Saturday, February 23, 2013

DVD Prices Reduced

Hey guys!

As you may know, we've had a lot going on lately! We released our new short film "Enemies" less than a month ago and after a pretty grueling 8 day shoot wrapped production on yet ANOTHER short film just a few days ago, "Occam's Razor!" I'm currently in the process of entering "Enemies" into several film festivals and will be doing the same for "Occam's Razor" in the coming months. 

But entering film festivals isn't cheap, and how many we are able to enter is limited by our budget, or lack thereof. We could easily spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on Festival entry fees. So I'm asking for all of your help. As of today, the prices on One Man's Terrorist DVDs have been slashed from $20 for an autographed copy and $15 for a regular copy to $15 and $10, respectively. If you don't have one yet, now is the perfect time to buy one!

One Man's Terrorist DVD Options

We are also gearing up to enter the "168 Project" in May; a Christian speed film making contest with a potential Million dollar development deal for a prize! Between this and the various other prizes for the festivals we're entering, all of us at Buck The System and Wolf Brothers Entertainment are incredibly optimistic about our futures in the film industry. But we're going to need your help and support to really make it happen, and buying our DVDs is a great way to support us! If you already have a DVD, buy one for a friend or make a donation!

In closing, I'll leave you with a few stills from our upcoming short film, "Occam's Razor," a dark-comedy thriller about the dangers of paranoia.