Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Help me attend the Veterans for Ron Paul March in Washington D.C. on February 20th!

As some of you may know, I'm planning on attending both the February 20th Veterans for Ron Paul march in Washington D.C. and the International Students for Liberty conference the same weekend. Now, I'm going no matter what, but if any of you could hop on over to my IndieGoGo page and chip in a few bucks it would be a HUGE help to me as finances are tight and I have an extremely ambitious plate of liberty-themed film making before me.

Plus, my 22nd birthday is the day after the march, so you can consider this something of a birthday present for me! Even if you can't chip in, PLEASE share this with all of your friends who love liberty and support Ron Paul!

Check out my fundraising page here:


  1. Hi, David I just help fund your trip!! I hope you are able to make a difference...I can not wait to watch the series on youtube...if you do not mind I would like to write a post on my blog...

    1. Thank you so much for contributing! The response so far has been amazing! By all means, re-blog and share this trailer - and the episodes as they go live - all around the internet so we can reach as big an audience as possible!
